Tuesday 22 July 2014

Boss Flox

I've mentioned before that we are big fans of Gamua and the frameworks/services they are responsible for.  We've been using Flox a fair bit recently, first for Proleague and more recently Pogosheep, and it is a really awesome library (we even wrote a port for GameMaker). Because it is a relatively new service, there aren't too many guides out there, so I thought I'd write something a bit different, an n-part (probably 2-part) series on tips-and-tricks when using Flox. More after the jump.

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Round 2 + Updates

This update should really have come a bit sooner, but it’s been a busy few weeks. Since we sat down to try our hand at 2 week games we have achieved far more than we expected, all while moving into a new office! (also we got a Twitter account finally!)
First week @BizDojo, loving it! Great workspace, great people, embarrassing photo’s pic.twitter.com/5BH3CA1xS2
— One Legged Crab (@oneleggedcrab) July 15, 2014